On track to reaching the target

In the bottle

Sustainable inside and out
We aim to transcend superfluousness to protect the essential, by rethinking our production models and enhancing their fluidity, efficiency and environmental friendliness.
Horizon 2030

Ensure increasingly sustainable packaging.




Innovative, lightweight and low environmental impact packaging that protects all the quality and properties of Monini oil.


The glass bottle, from 1950 to present day

There is nothing that we hold dearer than to bring bottles to the tables of our customers that protect all the quality of our oil, preserving its organoleptic properties while optimising the consumption of materials. In 1950 our foresightedness inspired us to release the first glass bottles onto the market, as they are more suitable for distribution and domestic consumption. Today we work tirelessly with our suppliers to make 100% recycled glass bottles. This continuous pursuit of improvement, a major challenge for 2030, has thus far enabled us to use recycled glass for 60-65% our best-selling Classico and Delicato products and 70-75% of Selezione Italiana products.


An environmentally friendly bottle

We will use nothing but low-environmental labels and 100% recycled cardboard packaging to communicate the origin of our product; as of 2022, PET capsules will also contain 20% recycled material. Moreover, starting from the end of 2021, we aim to convert all 50% PET packaging into 100% PET packaging.


Intelligent packaging

Together with our suppliers, we have set ourselves the target of eliminating all things superfluous, reducing the weight of packaging in all steps of the process.




445 gr

of glass in a litre bottle of olive oil


recycled PET

Capsule with PET %

Study with our suppliers to select new packaging and materials




recycled glass


100% recycled PET

100% PET capsules

Why this is important
Close the cycle

The traditional model of linear economy subjects the environment to the unsustainable pressure of waste production and pollution. Circular economy is an alternative that enables us to re-evaluate waste as a potential primary material, with advantages to people and the environment.



The challenge of packaging LA SFIDA DEL PACKAGING

The problem of plastic waste on Earth can no longer be ignored; possible trends for tackling it are continuously growing and include manifold materials. Transforming the packaging sector is a fundamental step that generates important benefits for the environment.


Bottling extra virgin

Glass is considered a “clean” material as its production does not involved polluting substances, and it can be infinitely recycled. A precious element for storing extra virgin olive oil, ideal for protecting the product from light and oxygen, keeping quality levels high.


3 x Planet Earth
to sustain our current ways of life in 2050
1 credit card
equivalent to the plastic we ingest every week due to microplastics
5 tons
of waste generated in one year by each EU citizen, half of which ends up in landfill
1.000 years
it takes for a PET plastic bottle to decompose
+3% yearly
expected productivity increase with the spread of the circular economy throughout Europe
separate waste collection in Italy in 2018, up 2.6% compared to 2017
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