On track to reaching the target

On your table

The Extra Virgin of champions
We support balance and health, at the table and in life. Extra virgin olive oil is the best nutritional choice for sports enthusiasts.
Horizon 2030

Major sporting events: 200 thousand new opportunities to get to know each other and talk about well-being Physical activity, a good diet and enjoyment are our recipe for a healthy lifestyle.




Local presence and a connection with people

We have always been committed to promoting a correct lifestyle and healthy diet, as both factors have a significant influence, on physical activity too. This is why, in order to tell you all about what we have learnt and the role of extra virgin olive oil in this context, we aim to be present at some of the most significant Italian sporting initiatives and events, to give a voice to authoritative sources and representatives of the world of sports and science.

We started with cycling and running, a resistance sport in which nutrition plays a truly fundamental role before, during and after exertion. However, we have also set ourselves the target of reaching out to over 200 thousand people by 2030, also by supporting a circuit of competitive and amateur events.


Tutta l’energia che serve

Extra virgin olive oil, olives and nuts are excellent sources of energy to support you in sporting activities and everyday life. Like all pure oils and fats, extra virgin olive oil contains no carbohydrates, sugars, fibres, proteins or salts, and 100 ml of olive oil contains 92 grams of ready-to-use energy.


* Indicated values refer to the nutritional label of Monini extra virgin olive oils in compliance with the nutritional declaration as set forth in Regulation (EU) 2011/1169.




reached out to during the Spoleto-Norcia in MTB




to meet and speak to

Why this is important

A well-balanced diet is a fundamental prerequisite for athletic preparation, and olive oil has always played a very important role in the life of sport enthusiasts. Since ancient times, olive branches were a symbol of victory and olives were used as a source of energy.


For today’s athletes too, ‘good fats’ are the main fuel both for sustained, low-intensity exertion and in high-intensity sports. Moreover, the antioxidants in extra virgin olive oil play a key role in the muscle recovery process during and after training.



You don’t have to be an athlete to feel the benefits of a unique product like extra virgin olive oil. Controlled, everyday use of extra virgin olive oil, preferably raw, aids the metabolism and helps prevent certain diseases associated with nutrition, by reducing cholesterol levels. As part of a balanced diet, it also promotes a healthy circulatory system and overall bone structure**.

*M. Guasch-Ferré et al. Olive oil intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the PREDIMED Study. BMC Med. 2014; 12: 78

**K. Chin, S. Ima-Nirwana. Olives and Bone: A Green Osteoporosis Prevention Option. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 Aug; 13(8): 755

the daily requirement of energy from fats for an athlete, compared to 15% for a sedentary individual
8 million
Italians claim to follow a regular diet
1 out of 4
adults in the world do not get enough exercise
Kcals contained in 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil
20 minutes
minimum daily physical activity recommended for 18- to 64-year-olds
days per year Italians spend doing physical exercise (108 in the EU and 135 in the USA)

The Spoleto-Norcia in MTB

Part of our commitment focuses on actively supporting numerous sports competitions and events until 2030, and we wanted to start with the local Spoleto-Norcia Mountainbike event, a resistance sporting event in which correct nutrition plays a fundamental role before, during and after lengthy periods of exertion, requiring a certain amount of determination.

The “Spoleto-Norcia” is an Italian railway engineering masterpiece completed in the first half of the 20th century, a decommissioned railway line that has since become a protected artistic and landscape heritage, which today hosts one of the most important tourist cycling events in Central-Southern Italy, heralded as the country’s most beautiful cycling route in 2015.

In 7 editions, the event has attracted 17 thousand cycling tourists from up and down the country, bringing to life Spoleto and Valnerina in the first weekend of September, with the presence of nature, sports and healthy living enthusiasts, as well as all those with a passion for living together.

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