On track to reaching the target

In the field

The value of each drop
Water is a precious and finite resource. We want to consume less and use it better, without undermining the production of a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
In partnership with:
Logo Partner
Horizon 2030

Reduce and optimise water consumption in our olive groves by using new technologies.



Water is a precious sources of life and we are learning to use less of it and more effectively, so as to protect it. This is why we only cultivate lands on which olives thrive, and apply the best available technologies to eliminate excessive water usage and waste, in organic farming systems, to provide an increasingly high-quality product.

We are investing in production and irrigation

With Bosco Monini lands we are investing in precision irrigation systems and applying new irrigation technologies, satellite monitoring and soil analysis. We aim to optimise water resources and avoid wasting even a single drop. Specifically, on the lands of the Frantoio del Poggiolo pressing facility, part of Bosco Monini and an important experimentation and production site, we have set aside a few hectares for satellite monitoring, which we use to assess exact water needs for each sector of the olive grove, consisting of rearing systems and trees of different ages, based on rainfall and water stress.

With the use of precision irrigation, to date we have recorded an increase in excess of 90% in water effectiveness and efficiency.


An even better extra virgin olive oil

The sustainable use of water is good for the planet and for our olives too. Irrigation can influence the quality of oil, as the less water in a tree, the higher the concentration of antioxidants in its olives.


Drip irrigation

In the 30s, Simcha Bass, an Israeli hydraulics engineer, observed excessive growth in a tree under a leaky water pipe. He thus discovered that slow, regular dripping of water could result in significant plant growth.




Consumption down by 20% compared to the regional plan for the Frantoio del Poggiolo facility



Further reduce and optimise water consumption

Why this is important

Water covers 70% of the surface of our planet, yet only 2.5% of this is fresh water and less than 1% is suitable for human use. The availability of water is influenced by climate change which, combined with population growth and urbanisation, is putting the water supply under considerable stress.


The agri-food industry consumes around 90% of the world’s fresh water resources worldwide. On a positive note, precision irrigation systems are one of the actions being deployed to increase the efficiency of this sector. This method, also known as ‘drip irrigation’, can increase water efficiency in farming by up to 80%, with reduced management costs and all the benefits of system automation, while maintaining production levels.


Reducing water consumption in cultivation can indeed significantly increase the content of polyphenols, the element that determines the antioxidant properties of extra virgin olive oil. Therefore, the use of innovative techniques contributes to the well-being of nature as well as oil quality.


220 litres
average daily water consumption by one Italian
areas of Europe susceptible to desertification
Around 40%
annual European water consumption attributable to the agricultural sector
Arable land in Italy where precision irrigation methods are used
20 litres
of water required to produce 1 litre of extra virgin olive oil

Elaisian: the technology that protects our olive groves

Elaisian is the innovative precision farming system designed for olive cultivation. We chose to implement this technology in taking care of our olive groves, with the installation of 3 stations in 3 different groves, to rapidly and effectively check the conditions of our olive trees. Elaisian stations monitor the microclimate of the surrounding area, analysing and sending precise weather data and information to prevent the presence of pathogenic agents in real time, improve treatments and enhanced control of water stress.

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